ITC Plan 2018 – Departamento Académico de Sistemas Computacionales

Computer Technology Engineering

  • Total number of credits: 446
  • Duration in Time: 4 and a half years
  • Duration in semesters of the course: 9
  • Total number of subjects: 57
  • Total number of required courses: 50
  • Total elective subjects: 7
  • Total credits basic competencies: 128
  • Total credits professional competencies: 208
  • Total credits for terminal competencies: 52
  • Total credits complementary competencies: 30
  • Educational Model: Based on competencies.
  • Social Service: 480 hrs and six months minimum (70% of credits covered)
  • Professional internships: 160 hours dedicated to activities related to their discipline (ninth semester).
  • Compulsory extracurricular activity: Sports or Culture (for 1 semester)

Training-related objectives professional

  • To train professionals in the area of computer science with the ability to develop creative solutions to problems that require the integration of software, hardware and networks according to the challenges of today's world.
  • Contribute to the generation of new technology and to find and implement efficient computing solutions in organizations.
  • To train in the knowledge and tools that support the design and development of complex systems, specification of hardware architectures and configuration of computer networks.


To train competent professionals with the knowledge, abilities, attitudes, skills and values that allow them to creatively solve problems that require the integration of software, hardware and networks, in order to implement computer technology for the proper functioning of their processes, encouraging them to develop their capacity for innovation and research to solve the needs and problems of their environment for national progress.



Consolidate the Computer Technology Engineering as the educational program that provides the leading human resource in the development of cutting-edge information and communication technologies. With the maximum commitment to educational quality of excellence, for the integral and professional development of our students.

In addition to the entrance requirements indicated in the University Legislation on the General Enrollment Regulations, applicants to enter the Computer Technology Engineering program must possess the following characteristics:



Basic computing, reading and understanding of basic English, algebra, trigonometry, analytical geometry, statistics, logic, mathematics, physics and general culture.



Solve problems logically, solve mathematical problems, have a good level of reading, comprehension and writing in Spanish, visualize quick solutions to unforeseen situations, know how to expose their knowledge and ideas, handling computer equipment.



To be positive, innovative spirit and entrepreneurial character, self-taught, critical, reflective, creative, dynamic and transforming, willingness for research, willingness to work in interdisciplinary teams, discipline and respect towards the institution, their teachers and peers, and interest in understanding the operation of electronic devices and systems.

The Computer Technology Engineer is a professional capable of: designing, building, maintaining and evaluating hardware and software devices and infrastructure to generate new technologies, integrating technological communication solutions and finding and implementing efficient computing solutions in organizations.

He develops as a true agent of change, by participating directly and indirectly in organizations, companies or institutions of any sector, playing any of the roles defined in the design process of technological solutions that require the integration of software, hardware and networks.

It also has the necessary training to adapt to new technological paradigms and continue with postgraduate studies or specialization in some of the many areas of Information Technology.

The competencies that allow him to achieve the described profile are:

  • Distingue los aspectos fundamentales de un problema para diseñar soluciones tecnológicas y prácticas.
  • Uses methodologies for the development of complete computational solutions including multidisciplinary problems.
  • Uses methodologies and techniques for the development of control systems for the automation of processes that require complex computational systems.
  • Confronts technological changes, adapting techniques and systems.
  • Apply and responsibly adapt new technologies of computer systems, networks and communications, according to the needs of organizations, encouraging sustainable development.
  • Manages and optimizes time and cost of the resources involved in the development of a network and communications project.
  • Understands the social, political, ecological and ethical factors related to technological development and professional performance.
  • Uses tools to determine customer needs and translate them into a project that requires the integration of software, hardware and networks to be applied to the organization.
  • Apply standards, models and techniques that provide a basis for the design of networks and communications in the organization.
  • Applies standards, models and techniques that provide a basis for the design of networks and communications in the organization.

Graduates of the Computer Technology Engineering program will be able to work in companies and institutions at the state, national and international level, where computer systems, computer networks and communications are handled, such as the following:


Public and private sector:

  • Government agencies.
  • Industries
  • Communications and transportation.
  • Educational and research institutions.
  • Research centers.
  • Commercial and service companies.

As an independent professional:

  • Consulting, designing, implementing, documenting and evaluating computer networks and communications systems.
  • Designing, selecting and installing computer and communications equipment.
  • Maintaining computer systems in optimal condition.
  • Innovating and generating computer technology.
  • Marketing and promoting the use of computer systems.


First SemesterSecond SemesterThird SemesterFourth SemesterFifth SemesterSixth SemesterSeventh SemesterEighth SemesterNinth Semester
Physics IPhysics II
Circuits II
Circuits II
Diseño Digital
Digital Systems
Digital Signal Processing
Research Seminar
Development of a project
Basic ElectronicsEntrepreneurship
Data Structure
Databases I
Databases II
Software Engineering Fundamentals
Embedded Systems
Elective IIIElective VI
Programming MethodologyProgramming I
Programming II
Numerical Methods
Mobile Applications
Artificial Intelligence I
Artificial Intelligence II
Elective IVElective VII
Introduction to ITSustainable Development
Probability and Statistics
Computer Architecture
Microcontroller Programming
Elective IElective VProfessional Internships
Oral and Written ExpressionDiscrete Mathematics
Linear Algebra
Networks I
Networks II
Security Fundamentals
Elective II
Mathematics IMathematics II
Mathematics III
Mathematics IV
Theory of Computation
Systems Programming
Operating Systems
English IEnglish II
English III
English IV
English V
Introducción a la Robótica
Operations research



Electives Package


Network and Information Security Area


Key ElectiveUnit of Competence
OPT-01Network Planning
OPT-02Server Management
OPT-03Network Scalability
OPT-04WAN Technologies
OPT-05Communication Systems
OPT-06Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications
OPT-07Computer Security
OPT-08Network Security
OPT-10Digital Telephony and Switched Networks


Robotics and Automation Area


Key ElectiveUnit of Competence
OPT-11Control Systems
OPT-12Robot Kinematics and Dynamics
OPT-13Percussion Systems
OPT-14Automation of Production Systems
OPT-15Mecanismos y Mecánica de Vehículos
OPT-16Interface Design
OPT-17Power Electronics
OPT-18Robotic Systems I
OPT-19Robotic Systems I


Head of the Academic Department of Computer Systems:

Dr. Jesús Andrés Sandoval Bringas

Career Manager:

M.S.C. Amado Alejandro Leyva Carrillo